
Mini-Split Systems

Mini-Split System Installations in Mansfield, Framingham, North Attleboro and Dover, MA

Keep your cool in a ductless home. Cooling or heating your home can be tough if you have an older house. Energy bills can start to rise really take a chunk out of your monthly expenses. Without an air duct system, you can't enjoy central air to cool down your entire house. Luckily, the experts at King Plumbing have the answer: a mini-split system! These units allow you to cool off a single room without the use of air ducts. Call the professionals at 508-699-3939 today to schedule a mini-split system installation!

A mini-split system is a European style air conditioner that stands on the side of a wall, and also provides heating. Why should you get a mini-split system installed in your home?

They are cost efficient to run
They are perfect for the "shoulder months" which fall in between cold and warm seasons
They provide supplemental heat so that the air conditioning and hear don't have to kick on all the way
They will increase the value of your home

The mini-split system will greatly benefit people who are unable to install centralized air conditioning in their home. Some people are unable to have centralized air conditioning due to either the age of the home, or if they have forced hot water or steam for their heating. The mini-split system also negates the need for duct work. Do you have questions on why you need a mini-split system in your home?